Mikael makes good, Niche gets award
Mikael’s been real BAD*
*Brisbane Advertising and Design Club
We are always so proud of Mikael, but this year BADC was too!
At Niche, we always want to do better work. Being part of the Brisbane Advertising and Design Club has been an essential part of that. Mikael has been on the BADC committee for the last 8 years and is the current treasurer. With the support of the Niche team (we are looking at you, Lachlan) we have helped with the club’s website, awards system and behind the scenes tools and processes run like a new phone.
In Mikael’s words, “Being part of BADC isn’t about personal gain, it is about supporting the creative community in Brisbane and striving to do better work. With that in mind, I do appreciate the recognition from the club and look forward to its ongoing success.”
Why we believe BADC is so important for Brisbane
The Brisbane Advertising and Design Club has been running since 1973. BADC’s mission is to recognise and support great creative work in Brisbane. A panel of internationally-recognised creatives judge Brisbane’s best work in the annual awards and find the creative which stands up not just locally, but on an international stage. All of the finalists and medal winners since 2013 are online, so you can see the best creative work Brisbane has to offer.
But wait, there’s more…
We’ve all been BAD!
Well, at least our website has been
That’s right, our little baby has won an award!
Still so innocent and not even six months old yet
How did a website with a bunch of nerds, all dressed up in tracksuits, telling the world how much they love the internet win an award? We can’t see into the mind of the judges, but that didn’t stop us coming up with theories about what we think makes it special.
It started with a failure
We actually have another website we built last year before the current one (one day we may even share it with you). It was pretty neat, had some fresh ideas, but it just didn’t feel like us, and we couldn’t really say why, so we shelved it.
We have been going through a process of transformation at Niche. We started with the systems, tools, and process we used to build our sites and have continued with the ways that we work with our clients and how we can do that better. But, what about going beyond our safe, technical space?
We needed to know our values
We realised that while everyone at Niche had similar ideas, we couldn’t clearly articulate it. To do this, we needed to work on defining our values.
The idea feels a little new-age and hand-wavy for a bunch of nerds. It does get dangerously close to talking about our feelings. Bearing down and doing some workshops together was a rewarding experience we were all surprised at how cohesive our feelings and direction was.
These values translated directly into what we wanted to say about Niche and the experience we wanted to share with our clients. As a team, we focused on making the site represent the team not only in the design and functionality but all the way to the super-model quality staff photography.
A great website doesn’t exist in a vacuum
It’s the whole reason we work with real content on every project and don’t start with templates. Trying to shoehorn your unique vision into a generic template is going to give a generic result.
You need to know yourself
You need to look within and find that unique identity that represents who you are, your vision and mission and then be prepared to share it with everyone. It isn’t always possible to do it all on day one. But knowing this vision and using it as an integral part of your marketing ensures the right clients will come to you.
Our fully sick tracksuits helped
Let’s face it. Not everyone can pull off a red tracksuit. Still, when your phone can take amazing images in portrait mode. Or, professional headshots are a phone call away (we know photographers), your visuals should match your brand. Find your tracksuit.
If you would like to take this approach with your website we would love to tell your story
Get in touch, and we will warm up the coffee machine