Niche Studi-mo – the clever kids behind good mo’keting
We're all for feel-good MOments here at Niche, and what better way to feel good than with a 'stash!
We’re all for feel-good MOments here at Niche, and what better way to feel good than with a ‘stash!
Indy and Mikael (and “Zac Efron”), from our Account Management team, have both volunteered to finely tune their razor strokes for the month of Mo’vember to help raise money and promote awareness surrounding prostate cancer and depression amongst men.
We’d love it if you’d pledge your support via a small donation to our Movember team –
Mikael is taking votes on which mo to grow as there is no better way to make a permanent decision about ones fashion style than by a democratic vote. The styles are:
Or why not get involved yourself? For some inspiration for your ‘stash, check out these nifty options.
Stay tuned to the Niche Blog to see the ‘stashes in action! Check out the day one pictures below (we have already reprimanded Mikael for inappropriate beard growth and he has agreed he will step into line!).
You’ll also note that “Zac Efron” has shot ahead in the ‘stash-growing saga, with a sporting Dali-esque number.