Apps & Integrations
We share your vision
Build the next big thing or improve your current one. We use existing tools and custom code to build applications that support your business processes and create new opportunities.
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Custom apps by their very nature are difficult to cost accurately unless the solution is well defined
The first step when building an app is to determine the requirements and explore the possible solutions in an open-ended way with you to ensure we get things right from the start.
This process will give you a solid foundation for your project with a written definition and a plan for project implementation that we or any other developer can follow.
Stage 1. Workshop, research & specification
We will conduct a business analysis workshop with you and then research and write a specification to define the apps requirements and features. We always look to put forward a range of possible solutions with rough costings.
Stage 2. Wireframe/proof of concept
Based on the specification, we create with a wireframe or a proof of concept/prototypes of the preferred solution to fully define the project and ensure we have the right answer.
Stage 3. Scope and costing
We define the tasks and technical requirements in-depth and accurately scope the project time and cost with a reliable timeframe and opportunities to save you money.
Stage 4. Design and build
Go into designing and building your app with the confidence that you have the right solution, and there are no surprises.
Stage 1. Workshop, research and specification
We will conduct a 2-hour workshop with you to understand your requirements and get details of your business, competitors and marketing plans. The workshop will uncover the true opportunities for your app and detail the objectives and requirements for your app.
Research & Specification
We will undertake a competitor and market analyses around your opportunity and define the possible strategies and technology available to fulfil the requirements of the project.
Stage 1. Workshop, research and specification
Workshop, research and write a specification for your app. We will provide you with recommendations and possible solutions with a specification and initial estimates of costings.
Stage 2. Wireframe/proof of concept
There is a range of possible solutions found during the specification process. They usually fit into one of 3 categories.
Off-the-shelf solutions are ones where we find a suitable platform or set of integrated platforms that fulfil your requirements without any significant coding.
A semi-custom solution will have existing plugins or platforms available, but will also require custom design work or a more complex integration to create a complete solution.
A fully-custom solution may have some pre-built components but requires a full wireframe to define the solution.
Proof of concept
For off-the-shelf and semi-custom solutions, we will make a proof of concept/prototype where we set up a demo of the chosen technologies to ensure their suitability. We will document the solution to verify that it will fit your requirements and define any additional considerations.
For complex semi-custom and fully-custom projects, we will define and present a wireframe that describes the full workflows and functionality to ensure the solution is user-focussed and looks and works as required.
Stage 2. Wireframe/proof of concept
We will create a wireframe or a proof of concept to fully define the project and ensure we have the right solution.
Stage 3. Scope and costing
The specification and wireframe process gives us the knowledge and confidence to scope your project accurately.
It is important to remember that plans and features change once you get user feedback and analytics about your app. To reduce costs and give greater flexibility, we will also identify core features to build at the start and what goes on a roadmap for later development.
Stage 3. Scope and costing
We will provide a full proposal with the project time and cost, giving reliable timeframes and options to proceed to design and development.